Buyer’s Inspections

Dustin Cheatham

Real Estate

Buyer’s Inspections

Is there value in considering and budgeting for multiple inspections before buying a home? The answer is YES, any inspection you deem essential to put your mind at ease before sealing the deal is worth it. Keep the second-guessing out of the equation and be confident knowing you inspected your investment to your satisfaction

Buyers should consider the importance of hiring professional inspectors and budget accordingly. In addition, saving for a down payment, closing costs is important. The value to having an expert investigate your home is money well spent. A residential purchase contract states clearly that investigation is the buyer’s responsibility, even if the Seller has provided some inspections up front. Sellers and Realtors® in a transaction must disclose to buyers any defects they are aware of, but many problems go unknown until a house is looked over by multiple inspectors.
When working with buyers, I use a helpful form created by the California Association of REALTORS® named the Buyer’s Inspection Elections. It lists about 40 different inspections you can pay to have done on a home. Most buyers choose to have between two to five inspections. Some of the most common include wood destroying pests, whole house, roof, septic, sewer line camera, heating and air conditioning, chimney, pest control, electrical, tree, pool, and the list goes on. Many buyers simply have never been aware of so many aspects to consider when buying a home. And when it comes to hiring someone to do the inspection, many buyers don’t know who to call. I can recommend trustworthy professionals for every kind of inspection you could have. 
A REALTOR® has an affirmative duty to advise buyers to consider inspections, but REALTORS® can not/should not try to wear the hat of an inspector. 
To the degree you don’t like any of the following cramping your budget while living in a home: water leaks, cold, heat, pests, trees, sewage, etc… Have the home inspected before buying it. Let me know how I can help guide you to a successful inspection of your new home. When working with buyers I advise them the same way I would want to be treated, often that means going the extra mile.

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